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Theresa Tempest: Gift of 8 Campaign

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I always signed my organ donor card in the past without putting any real thought into it. But once you are diagnosed with an incurable disease and start looking into your diagnosis and see how many people are affected by the same disease from infants to seniors it is an eye opener. What would be a better gift to leave your loved ones once you have passed on. Knowing that you had been able to save the lives of several people who with no fault of their own are on the brink of death if they donot receive a new heart or liver or kidney or anything else that may be used. Imagine the joy and happiness when their family hears the words we have a donor. Why not leave this world by giving the best gift of all THE GIFT OF LIFE. Please log on to the beadonor site and sign your organ donor card.

Aidez Theresa Tempest: Gift of 8 Campaign à atteindre son objectif.