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Help RMH save lives by registering as an organ donor
Every day at Ross Memorial Hospital, we see people who are waiting for, and who have benefitted from, a life-changing organ or tissue transplant.
Right now in the City of Kawartha Lakes, there are 16 people waiting for a phone call that could save their lives.
In this community, approximately 40% of us have registered our consent to be an organ and tissue donor. We can do better.
Please help the Ross Memorial Hospital increase the number of people registered as donors in our area. One donor can save up to EIGHT lives.
Even if you’ve signed a donor card, you still need to register; it is the only secure and guaranteed way to make your decision known.
You need to be 16 years of age and hold an Ontario Health card to register. It only takes two minutes online or can be done at Service Ontario.
For more information, visit giftoflife.on.ca.
Thank you for caring.