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Peel Regional Police Encourage You to 'Be a Donor'
Peel Regional Police were inspired to create this page in honour of members in our organization and their families, who have been touched by organ and tissue donation. We surpassed our original goal of 1000 people to visit the registry and continue to support the BeaDonor campaign. Over 1,500 people in Ontario are waiting for a life-saving transplant, but just over 30% of Ontarians have registered consent to be a donor.
One donor can save up to 8 lives.
Many individuals believe they are registered but they are not. Even if you have a signed donor card you may not be a registered donor. It takes only two minutes to register and you can do it right from this page. Please discuss organ and tissue donation with your family and loved ones. We are encouraging everyone to consider registering as a donor and to share this campaign page with friends and family.
Registering to be a donor might be the greatest gift you ever give.