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171 people in our community are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant
20% of people in Peel region have registered their consent to be an organ and tissue donor.
Would you accept an organ for a loved one? What is it like to know there’s nothing more you can do for yourself or someone you love but wait to see if an organ is available in time?
Ontario has more than 1,500 people waiting and 171 of them live in Peel.
Donating an organ when you’re gone may be the greatest gift you ever give.
Even if you’ve signed a donor card, you still need to register; it is the only secure and guaranteed way to make your decision known.
You need to be 16 years of age and hold an Ontario Health card to register. It only takes two minutes online or can be done at Service Ontario.
For more information go to giftoflife.on.ca and visit the frequently asked questions. For brochures in different languages visit the "in the community" section of giftoflife.on.ca.
One donor can save up to EIGHT lives.