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Natalie Fyke: Gift of 8 Campaign
Everyone should be a donor.
I am one of the last people a family shares their stories with about a lost loved one. I am their funeral director. I've spent many years listening to memories of lives lived well, and the next minute, hearing about lives that were cut way too short, way too fast.
I've personally seen the glimmer in someone's eyes knowing that a part of their loved one was able to save someone else. In a way, they live on! I've also had to share in the saddest moments with a family... When a donor was not available, and because of that, they sit across from me.
Yes, hospitals WILL work just as hard to save your life. No, your family won't be faced with a traumatic scene at your funeral. Ask. Read. Learn. I believe as a human, you have the right, no, honour, to make the right choice and give someone else a chance for a life well lived.
Be a donor! Register today, but most importantly, tell your family! When you can't speak, they are there to speak for you.