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Krishan Chrishaantan: Gift Of 8 Campaign

Toronto East
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109% à mon objectif de 100

"The soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable, and unchangeable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.." - Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2:25. You are not your body. When you refer something as "my car:, "my house", "my watch", they are NOT you. You cannot be the "car", the "house", the "watch". Your body is same.. you refer to it as "My Body". So it is yours, but its is not you. At death, all materials and your body is separated from you. So just like you leave your assets to your loved ones, why not leave your organs and tissues to people who need them to survive. What's no longer a use for you may save 8 lives. Though many of us believe that organ and tissue donation is a good thing, surprisingly, only less than 25% are registered doners. Sadly, someone in Ontario dies every 3 days waiting for a much-needed organ transplant. It's easy to register your consent to become a donor. You can register in just 2 minutes with your Ontario health card, right here and now, see the link on this page. This is not a charity. This is about giving 8 people a 2nd chance to live. Don't just leave... leave with an impact!! Register now.

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