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Talk to your family about your choice to Be a Donor
For many people living with kidney disease, a transplant offers the best chance at a healthier life. Organ donation saves lives and restores health. A kidney transplant is not a cure, but it offers the best possible improvement to health and quality of life for many people living with kidney failure.
There are two types of organ donation, deceased donation and living donation. Choosing to become an organ donor is a very personal decision. At the same time, it’s important that you discuss your wishes with your family.
The need for organs for transplantation is much greater than the available supply. In 2019, 4300 Canadians were on a waiting list for a transplant. Of those, 73% were waiting for a kidney. Wait times can range from a few months to several years.
That’s why we’re asking you to share the importance of organ donation with your friends, family, and colleagues. Talk to your loved ones about organ donation, and ensure they have registered their choice.
You can register your choice now in just two minutes. When one organ donor can save up to eight lives, registering may be the greatest gift you ever give.