
Jane Vandale: Gift of 8 Campaign

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Just over 20 years ago I was a 30 year old mother with 2 girls. I had been diagnosed in my teens with an eye condition called Keratoconus that was causing my sight to deteriorate. By the time I was in my 30's, my vision in my right eye was 20/200. I was given the gift of better sight by receiving a corneal transplant. Since my transplant, my vision is quite good. I still have Keratoconus in my left eye so will eventually need another transplant. I was blessed with three grandchildren over the last few years. One of my hobbies is taking photographs of our beautiful country and of course my grandchildren as well. I'm hoping I will be able to SEE all the special events in their lives. This is why I have signed up to be a donor.
Please register so others can live and see (like I am)
I would ask everyone to consider becoming a donor because there is a need for organs and tissues every day. I was given such a great gift but many who are waiting are in a life and death situation. I hope that because I decided to be a donor someone else could spend time with their own grandchildren. So, please become a donor. It is a gift that can save a life or help someone to see better.

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