
Jacqui Bowick-Sandor |

Smiths Falls
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My life changed forever in 2010 when the Pulmonologist told me I had Pulmonary Fibrosis. He explained to me the lung tissue becomes scarred and over time, as the scarring becomes thicker and more widespread, the lungs lose their ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream as a result, patients become short of breath and the brain and vital organs are deprived of the oxygen necessary for survival. The only treatment is a lung transplant. His words shook me to my core and then I realized the journey had only begun. I come from a long line of determined, diligent, resilient, stubborn ancestors. I am thankful for this because I don't know how you would get through this journey if you did not possess these qualities. Also I am surrounded by warm, loving supportive people who make my journey so much easier. Through their prayers, hugs, words of encouragement and generosity I continue on.
Registration is the way to show you care
I need your help today. My journey has only begun and there are so many things I still need to accomplish. The only way I will be able to do this is with a lung transplant. Please sign up and donate your organs. It's easy to register your consent to become a donor. You can register in about two minutes as long as you have your health card. You can register right here and now, see the link on this page. I'd like to encourage all of you to register and share your decision with your family. It's an easy decision today that could, one day, save eight lives and enhance 75 more. Please share this page with your friends and family to encourage them to register as well.

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