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Hucks Heros joins to help SAVE LIVES
We are inspired to create this page in honor of someone special to our organization who has been touched by organ donation. On March 30, 2013 Jamie Dropko was the recipient of a liver from a DONOR, and we are very grateful to this DONOR that so graciously saved Jamie's life.
Every three days someone dies in Ontario because the life-saving organ transplant they need is not available, yet just over 30% of Ontarians have registered their consent to be a donor. It's really surprising, and it's not good enough. Especially for the 1,500 people in our province waiting for organ transplants and the thousands more waiting for tissue transplants.
I am certain that we all know someone who is sick and needs help. This horrible disease is NOT going to stop although there has been great steps made in dealing with it. We will have to have more donors to help everyone in need of a assistance to help save their lives!