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Heather Potts | beadonor.ca

Rural Ottawa
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After months of waiting and preparing, our beautiful little girl was born at home in her bedroom. The first day at home with her was amazing, I was glowing, and so happy, she brought a calmness and ease to my existence that I didn't have with my first. But before she was even two days old, it became evident that there was a problem. We rushed her to the hospital to find out she was born with a serious heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome (effectively the left side of her heart wasn't working). After a surgery and a number of procedures, it became evident that the heart she was born with was not going to be able to keep her alive. But the day the doctor actually sat down with us after rounds and said her only chance for survival was a heart transplant was still devastating.

A stranger, in a time of crisis made a decision about their baby that saved my baby's life.

My husband and I had always said we would be donors, but it never occurred to us that situations arose with children as well. Before my daughter, I don't know if I would have ever taken the time to consider the possibility of my children being donors too... Thanks to the selflessness of another family we now have a beautiful little girl who is living a more-or-less normal life. Her strength, resilience, and love of life amazes me on a daily basis (her spunk, although once very necessary, is now proving frustrating ;-)). She is a gift, and I can't express how grateful I am for every day we have her in our life. Please register to be a donor, and take a moment to consider the little lives that can be saved too...

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