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Gurvinder Gill: beadonor.ca
"I think Canadians are some of the most caring and generous people in the world. We have a generosity of spirit that is a lesson to the world.
But we need to change our thinking and practice on how Canadians approach giving the ultimate gift in this country — the gift of saving a life."
1.It takes two minutes to register consent
2.Your donation decision is confidential and is only disclosed after death to share with your family so they can honor your wishes.
3.You can change or withdraw consent at any time.
4.When you register you can decide to donate or exclude specific organs and tissues.
5.A signed donor card does not mean you are registered.
Some Quick Facts:
• Currently in Ontario, there are nearly 1,500 people on the waiting list for an organ transplant.
• Every three days someone in Ontario dies waiting for a life-saving transplant.
• Less than 25% of eligible Ontarians have registered consent to donate.