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全因為你 盼望重現 Hope Re-ignited because of YOU
目前醫學仍面對不少無法根治的疾病,器官移植是唯一的希望,一位捐贈者可挽救多達8個病者,並可給予高達75個病者生存的機會。安省現在每三天便有一位等候器官移植者離世,目前只有少於25%省民登記了他們的器官組織捐贈意願,而大多市地區則是全省最低 ,僅得12%。因此加拿大五個器官基金協會華人分會共同攜手,向華人社區呼籲,你選擇器官組織捐贈的決定,可以改變這不幸的現實,極具重大意義,可以遺愛人間,為他人燃點生命的希望。請您在這網頁登記成為器官組織捐贈者,來表達我們華人社區的參與和支持。
Currently, there are still medical conditions that the only cure is organ transplantation. An organ donor can save up to 8 lives and improve the survival for up to 75 patients. In Ontario, one person in the organ waiting list dies in every 3 days. There are only less than 25% Ontarians registered as organ donors; the GTA has the lowest rate of a mere 12%. The Chinese Chapters of the 5 major organ-related organizations are joining hands to appeal to the Chinese communities that your decision to become an organ donor can make a huge difference and change this unfortunate reality. Organ donation can leave behind love and re-ignite hope for many others. Please register through this page to demonstrate our support from the Chinese communities.