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Deb Baldwin: Gift Of 8 Campaign

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19% à mon objectif de 100

I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2014 a rare lung disease with no cure and the only option is for a lung transplant. I was assessed in December 2019 for a lung transplant and accepted on February 3rd 2020 . I'm currently waiting for the call and "The Gift of Life"

Anyone who knows and loves me should register.

Never in a million years did I think I would require a transplant. No one ever does. I happily signed my donor card when I was 16 and first got my driver's license. Those cards are outdated and now it's so important to register to be an Organ donor online or at any Service Ontario. It only takes 2 minutes. YOU will not need your precious life saving organs in Heaven, people need them here on Earth , people like ME. I'm hoping the people in my community, family, friends, and the local business' of Greater Napanee/Kingston will register today and help me reach my goal.

Aidez Deb Baldwin: Gift Of 8 Campaign à atteindre son objectif.