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Deanna Nadorozny: Gift Of 8 Campaign

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As a Kidney Disease Patient since I was 16 and currently doing hemodialysis 3 times a week for 4 hours at my local hospital for the second time in my life, organ donation for me (and every other person in need) is that life raft I can see off in the distance that is too far for me to get to on my own. I have no choice but to wait and wait and wait, floating in the ebb and flow, trying desperately to keep my head above water while my body grows weaker, for that one right wave to come along which will bring me what I need to survive. How I dream of getting that life raft so that I can get to the shores of my dreams and escape the drowing waters so I can feel the blissful sands of time under my feet as I run around chasing the dreams and experiences that remain unattainble in the abyss of waiting for an organ donation blessing.

Register today to make someone's "some day" an amazing and exciting reality! Do it for me! Do it for someone you know! Do it for all the people waiting, and sadly too many dying, for that precious needed gift of a chance of living a life like yours!

Life is what you make of it, but too many people can only dream of the life they want because of a disease that impedes them on many levels, be it energy & stamina, the mental weight of just getting through the day, finanical limitations if the inability to work takes hold, depression & loniness because of having to miss family or social events and anxiety from being immuned compromised and having to be extra vigilent, like most don't understandnd, to avoid getting sick on top of their already plaguing disease, and unsettling of all - the every day worries of wondering if tomorrow will come. By being an organ donor, either while living or when your time comes to leave this earth, you give someone the biggest injection of hope & excitment for a life they could only picture in their mind. You give them a never-stopping dose of smiles & laughter as their soul becomes light being able to actually LIVE life, not just wish for it to be what they crave it to be. You unshackle them from soul-crushing limitations, allowing a wonderous freedom that sets the receiver of your life-saving, life-enriching, life-freeing gift off running to do things and go places in an almost child-like state because they finally have what most people take for granted - the ability to "just do"! A person in need of an organ donation can ONLY have their flightless wings unclipped by the the ONE AND ONLY KEY available to them - and that one key is 100% dependant upon someone else's compassion, selflessness, generosity, and thoughfulness, both while living as a live donor and as your respected and honoured wish to give of yourself in the greatest way when your world goes dark for the last time. An organ donor doesn't just give a medical life-saving organ. A donor passes on the greatest love they possibly can not just to the person who receives your beautiful and precious gift, but also gives all the people in that person's life the opportunity to celebrate, enjoy and share in their loved one's extended lease on life. Your love and life is passed on in breathing moments that never would have happened if it wasn't for you. Your receipient will never be able to thank you enough, but their soul will sing to you every single moment of single every day. Please register to be a donor and please also consider live donation. Set someone free with your amazing Gift of Possibilities. Offer a piece of yourself, far beyond just the physical, to someone who is crying for the chance to live.

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