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CYCLING CLERIC strongly believes more Ontarians should save lives by registering as organ donors.

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The Cordova Center through our Cycling Cleric Initiative are committed to doing our part in saving lives. On Tuesday May 26th, 2015, the Center's Chief Imam/Resident Scholar, His Eminence Imam Mohamad Jebara cycled a total distance of 535km from Ottawa to Toronto, as the Cycling Cleric, to raise awareness about organ/tissue donation and to encourage Ontarians to register as donors. Every three days someone dies in Ontario because the life-saving organ transplant they need is not available, yet only 25% of Ontarians have registered their consent to be a donor. Registering to be a donor might be the greatest gift you ever give. If you'd hope a life-saving transplant would be available for your friends and loved ones, please register today. There is no better gift to give than the gift of life! Become a TRUE HERO and REGISTER NOW!

Aidez CYCLING CLERIC strongly believes more Ontarians should save lives by registering as organ donors. à atteindre son objectif.