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Christine Staley: Gift of 8 Campaign
I just recieved a NEW LIVER and without the gift of a liver from a loving LIVING donor, my life would have come to an end. When I first learned that I needed a new liver I didn't even know where to turn, or what to think. I turned to my family and friends and asked everyone to come forward and be tested to become a liver donor. I was very lucky and people came forward for testing and in no time I had a match and very quickly surgery was scheduled and I received my NEW LIVER!!! I will be FOVEREVER grateful to my donor!!! Not everyone is so lucky. Some people on the waiting list will die before they are able to recieve a new organ....which is so sad because anyone is able to donate their organs/tissue!!! These people NEED YOUR HELP!!! Please come forward and register to donate today. IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!!! YOU COULD CHANGE SOMEONE'S LIFE TOO!!!!