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Brendon Luke Abotossaway | beadonor.ca
Organ and Tissue donation is very important to me because well first and foremost
I am an Organ recipient. And in so many ways I cannot begin to explain how appreciative
I am that someone chose to be an Organ Donor. They have given me a chance at a better life
and to watch my son grow up for as long as I can. But recieving a Double Kidney Transplant has given
me a better chance at being around much longer then the odds on Dialysis. After I recieved my transplant
I could not be more grateful and humbled that someone outthere chose to be a hero
to me and my friends and family if one person could change a life of one imagine what
10-20 or even 50 people could do. We could save lives and is there any better calling in the world.