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Leave a Legacy
Naturally, we think of our kids as our legacy.... but there are so many other meaningful ways that we can make a difference in the world .
One of the first lessons, we teach our kids is the concept of "sharing" and when you are done, pass it on so somebody else can enjoy the toy, book, etc. This is the most basic form of Paying It Forward.
We were very surprised to learn that over 1,500 Ontarians are waiting for a live-saving organ transplant but less than 25% of Ontarians have registered their consent to be donors. In Halton, that number is even less! I thought I was an organ donor..but when I checked the registry..I wasn't there!
The Bradbury family is passionate about connecting families and communities. Our organization is committed to doing our part. We're asking our associates, customers, and friends to check their organ donor registration status TODAY! It can be done online in just two minutes but could one day save up to 8 lives. You can do it right from this page!!