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Amber Goodfellow: Gift of 8 Campaign
Back in 2011, I was told I was dying & that I wouldn't make it through the weekend. I had my family & my boyfriend stay with me in the hospital. They would take turns. Giving each other breaks & at least one would be with me at all times. I never thought I would get my transplant. So my family & I were planning for the worse (a funeral). One day the doctor's came in and told me that I was able to be listed for a double lung transplant again. I was excited. I knew all my hard work & fighting was paying off. With the help of my friends, family & others I have never met. They kept me staying positive & sure of myself. One night when my boyfriend was staying with me at the hospital. I got my call for my lungs. I didn't know how to react. I was happy, scared, nervous. But I knew it was time for me to have that second chance at life again. Thanks to someone who signed their donor card, I was able to receive that "special" gift.